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My Dream

My dream has always been to work somewhere in an area between fashion and publishing. Two years before graduating from secondary school, I took a sewing and design course thinking that I would move on to a fashion design course. However, during that course I realized that I was not good enough in this area to compete with other creative personalities in the future, so I decided that it was not the right path for me. Before applying for university I told everyone that I would study journalism, because writing was, and still is, one of my favourite activities. But, to be absolutely honest, I said it, because I thought that fashion and me together was just a dream - I knew that no one, apart from myself, could imagine me in the fashion industry at all!





1. My dream has always been to work somewhere in an area between fashion and publishing.


句子分析:这个句子是简单句,句子主干是My dream has always been to work,后面的部分是状语。难点的地方在于状语部分somewhere in an area between fashion and publishing, 这里somewhere不需要翻译出来避免后面的介词短语重复,抽象理解为在时尚设计和出版界之间找寻一个工作。

2. Two years before graduating from secondary school, I took a sewing and design course thinking that I would move on to a fashion design course.


句子分析:句子主干为I took a sewing and design course 后面是现在分词短语thinking that I would move on to a fashion design course作伴随状语。

3. However, during that course I realized that I was not good enough in this area to compete with other creative personalities in the future, so I decided that it was not the right path for me.


句子分析:句子结构是i realized +that 引导的宾语从句,so引导的结果状语从句,结果状语从句中that引导宾语从句。第一个宾语从句中主干是I was not good enough in this area,其后有动词不定式短语做目的状语。

4. Before applying for university I told everyone that I would study journalism, because writing was, and still is, one of my favourite activities.


句子分析:句子结构为i told everyone +that引导的宾语从句,because引导的状语从句。

5. But, to be absolutely honest, I said it, because I thought that fashion and me together was just a dream - I knew that no one, apart from myself, could imagine me in the fashion industry at all!


句子分析:本句主句为i said it ,其后又because 引导原因状语从句,原因状语从句中that 引导了宾语从句。破折号之后的句子结构为I know +that引导的宾语从句。

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